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3 Step Process To Make Your Passion Your Business. (freelance writer)

1. Determine the Key Takeaways for Your Readers

If you are a freelance writer, your main goal is to get more work. As long as you have a quality product that your clients want to buy and read, you’ll be able to find work. This means it is important to be able to distill down your main points in an article or blog post so they can be remembered and referenced easily by your clients.

2. Craft a Smart Headline

for Your Blog Post What would you do if you had only one hour to write a blog post? That’s the challenge that many bloggers face. While it’s easy to go with the flow and write something off the cuff, it’s also important to think about how to make your blog posts stand out.

3. Brain Dump: Write Down Every Question You Need to Answer

Every day, we have the opportunity to ask ourselves some really great questions. They come up in our lives in all sorts of ways: from what we’re feeling to how we’re doing at work, or even what we think about the future. And we need to answer them! Asking yourself questions is a great way to find out more about yourself and your life.

4. Arrange the Major Themes and Sections of Your Blog Post Outline

I’ve always been a huge fan of writing out a blog post outline before starting to write. It’s helped me to make sure that I cover all the important topics in my post and to think about the structure of my article.

5. Revise, Trim and Clean Up Your Blog Post Outline

It’s no secret that blogging can be a very time-consuming venture. You have to come up with a great post idea, research it, write it, edit it, share it, and promote it. While it may seem like you’re doing all the work by yourself, there is one big thing you can do to help save yourself from having to do it all by yourself: write a blog post outline.

6. Write the Introduction and Conclusion Your introduction is what gets your reader’s attention. It should include keywords, links to related pages and interesting information. Your conclusion should summarize what you’ve written and leave the reader wanting more.

7. Ask Yourself, “What’s the Point?” Sometimes we write posts or blog posts just because we feel like it. That’s not a bad thing—in fact, it’s a great way to keep your writing fresh and interesting. But if you’re posting just for the sake of posting, you might want to consider why you’re doing it. Is it because you want to share a particular skill that you have? Or is it because you want to share an idea that will help someone? Either way, it’s a good idea to have a reason for what you’re writing.

8. Write in the 3rd Person (Not the 1st) It sounds weird, but it works. Writing in the third person is much more conversational than writing in the first person. You can easily use “you” and “your” instead of “I” and “me.” When you’re writing about yourself, it can be helpful to switch to the third person, because you are sharing your story with the world.

9. Don’t Be Afraid to Ask Questions This is one of the biggest mistakes people make when they’re blogging. They think that asking questions means they’re going to come across as being dumb or not professional. But in reality, asking questions actually shows that you care. You’re listening, and you want to know what other people think. It’s an easy way to get ideas for your posts and to help you better understand your topic.

10. Add Pictures If you’re a visual person, you may not realize how important pictures are in a blog post. A picture can make an article stand out on a site, and it can also make it easier for readers to remember the content.

11. Write About What You Know Another thing that makes your blog posts stand out is if they are about something you know a lot about. If you’re talking about a topic you’re passionate about, you’ll be more likely to get readers excited about reading your posts.

12. Include Links When you’re writing a blog post, it’s a good idea to include links to other related pages and websites. That way, people who read your post can get more information about your topic.

13. Use Bold and Italics You can use bold and italics in your blog posts to make them stand out. This is another great way to make your blog posts easier to read.

14. Write About What You Love It can be hard to write about things you don’t love, but that doesn’t mean you can’t do it. You may find that when you write about something you love, you’re more likely to have an interesting point of view on it. And if you can connect what you love with what you know, it’s even better.

15. Create an Audience for Your Blog Post If you have a blog that isn’t very popular, it can be difficult to get readers to click through to your site. So you should consider ways to promote your blog. One way to do this is by creating an email list.

16. Use “He” or “She” It can be easy to use the first person when writing about yourself, because it can feel natural to write in the first person. But it can also make it hard for readers to relate to you. If you are writing about a specific person, use “he” or “she” to make it easier for readers to connect with you.

17. Write About What You Have Experience With This is a great way to give your readers a unique perspective on a topic. You can talk about something that you know about and have experience with, so your readers can learn from your words.

18. Make It Personal If you want to get people to read your blog post, you need to make it personal. Writing about yourself is a great way to do this. It can help you connect with your audience and make your blog posts more interesting.

19. Start by Writing Your First Draft The best way to write a blog post is to start by writing your first draft. This way, you can see if what you’re writing makes sense. contact us